Saturday 14 April 2012

It is a shock , two posts in as many years , I know unbelievable. What usually happens when I have a idea is that it stays on the back burner for a few years . For once however my revisit to a old campaign has motivated me to actually paint figures . Over the last few years there has been a great increase in quality 28mm Historical figures and now a decent set of Horse and Musket rules . To coincide with this was a small group of sad old wargamers who enjoy too much the purchasing of these great figures and very little of the painting and basing . With my call to refight the great " Call for Freedom " of the settlers of the region know as Becker . These members are now forming units , based on Historical Armies ( so they can be used in other games ) to secure the rights or bring back under the heel of the rightful Government ( that will be me ). I myself have even painted 2 btns of Austrian Infantry a whole 36 figures , the most I have done in years . I have been introduced to " Army Painter " and will be putting pictures together soon with news style reports of the rightous march of the Imperial forces .