Monday 10 December 2012

Getting close to the end of another year

HI , Shocking that I am getting in another entry this year . Although I have woefully missed every possible Wargaming painting , gaming and reading target set by myself this year . I have done more as a result . So next year less targets and more fun.

2012 has produced the start of a 15mm Fictional long term campaign which has already given Tim and I a couple of fun battles and made me rebase and reuse figures that have not seen the light of day for over a decade ( they are not so happy about the pounding they have been on the receiving end of.)

My plan to do some smaller scale actions in 28mm did not quite get off the ground but the first part of General Otts 1798 Austrian Brigade has been painted a ( Massive ) 36 figures , a "unheard of" amount and I quite enjoyed doing them ( I am a gamer , not so much a painter).

Fictional Countries and regions have been created and mapped ( Tim has been driven in his attention to detail and my scant notes of twenty plus years ago are quite interesting in their contrast )

The idea of a naval contingent by Tim seems to have moved from a few small ship actions , to Tim purchasing a Langtons pack of a  Fleet and a few small vessels from GHQ to give my small privateers a sporting chance , or to drive my schooners into the waiting guns of his ships of the line.

We will be using the " Kiss me Hardy " KMH rules from the Two Fat Lardies ( any of their rules are worth a look for a Entertaining game )

Lastly the huge ( HUGE ) amount of wargames stuff residing in the Garage did actually reduce this year , Ebay be praised .......

2013 , Post more on the Blog , Finish poor General Otts Brigade , purchase at least a Frigate to help my merchantmen and schooners get the hell out of Dodge when his 74 gunners appear , yes Seventy Four Gunner(S)....more than one...sell even more of the metal mountain on Ebay and on the battlefield bring victory to The Empire .

Not much again then ....................

Friday 12 October 2012

2012 Donnington World Championships.

The World Championships 2012.

This year it was at a new venue " Donnington Races " it was easy to find and only 30 mins to get to, a great result.

It was all on one floor and they even had " Non Hippy food " actual meat and stuff instead of student nosh that might even give you some energy but save the trees , whales , dogs , cats and jellyfish.

As usual most of the time was meeting friends from around the country and discussions about this and that mixed with a bit of battlefield , country , world , System and Galaxy domination.

I really enjoyed chatting to the lad's who put on the Spanish Carlist war's game using mainly the Perry twin's excellent figures , here are a couple of pictures .

First " no one expects ........" Monty Python lives. Then a couple of Carlist artillery dish some hurt the the much better dressed Isabella Troops.

The group had a set of Diarama's which were great talking points. The Gypsy dance also added a little Spanish flare and the British Prisoners being executed some fire.

A great day had by myself and Tim.

And the overview was also well done giving a real taste for a New Conflict to get your teeth into..

The Campaign is getting close.

Another post in the same year .

We have play tested extensively Black Powder to test different types of troops , defences , brigade sizes and tactics and came to the conclusion they will do just what we want to make our fictional campaign work.
At the moment " Real Life " keeps getting in the way of this and the idea of a troop painting 28mm extravaganza has been delayed to a 15mm ( we already have the troops ) lets get at it lesser 'ganza' , even though the other members of the gaming club has had amusement getting used to 15mm after so long fighting with 28-32mm 'Hammer games .
I have just been to the World Championships ( Wargames ) and took some pictures and I have just revived my Navy for possible landing operations for the game and once I have repaired and re based them ( not seen the light outside the box for at least 6 or 7 years ) I will take some pictures and might make a record breaking 4th post in a year .


Saturday 14 April 2012

It is a shock , two posts in as many years , I know unbelievable. What usually happens when I have a idea is that it stays on the back burner for a few years . For once however my revisit to a old campaign has motivated me to actually paint figures . Over the last few years there has been a great increase in quality 28mm Historical figures and now a decent set of Horse and Musket rules . To coincide with this was a small group of sad old wargamers who enjoy too much the purchasing of these great figures and very little of the painting and basing . With my call to refight the great " Call for Freedom " of the settlers of the region know as Becker . These members are now forming units , based on Historical Armies ( so they can be used in other games ) to secure the rights or bring back under the heel of the rightful Government ( that will be me ). I myself have even painted 2 btns of Austrian Infantry a whole 36 figures , the most I have done in years . I have been introduced to " Army Painter " and will be putting pictures together soon with news style reports of the rightous march of the Imperial forces .

Friday 3 February 2012

It really has been a while , I have been busy and forgot my password to update . This year at the Leicester Wargames Club , I intend to have my fellow gamers refight a Horse and Musket 28mm Campaign I solo gamed about 25 years ago using Donald Featherstones great book , only using new painted figures this year . We will use Black Powder rules and see how much fun we can have .