Thursday 18 October 2007

I have lax as always and found it's been a while since my last entry into my blog. I have been to the Wargames World championships in Derby and visited to Warhammer World head office in Nottingham, since my last entry. The image is in keeping with my overall plan to create a Napoleonic Division, the second estranger is the next unit i think i will have.

Anyway like I was saying the World championships were very good and I enjoyed it. The usual traders were there but i resisted and only bought six figures and these were a new manufacturer for 25/28mm and were french revolutionary infantry. When I get them out to paint i'll do a quick review for you.

This was a Napoleonic game at the world Championships, the battle of Talavera, large and impressive It was in deperate need of my Division of dodgy foreign troops, but alas it will be some time yet before they see combat. I was completely sold by the Perry twins range of napoleonic French officers and it will be a tough decision between keeping with the Foundry figures and getting my officer figures from the Perry's ( they even have a range of Aides with various different uniforms so show the crosssection of hangers on and sycophants.
It will be a real hard to choose when the time comes.