Friday 14 September 2007

My long term project

My intension is to create a Napoleonic Brigade to fight skirmish or more substantial games at around the 1 model to 25 men ratio in 28 and 15mm. My first idea is to create a unit that is a bit different from the usual elite units that seem to be everywhere. With this unit i would then, rules allowing, fight battles and skirmishes using the resources available to me. For example in 28mm you can secure a bridge using detached companies and a section of artillery to push off a rearguard. I have for many years enjoyed to eyewitness accounts of small actions that would make some great games.

Hi Welcome to my Blog

Not that I know anything about blogs , but I wanted to contact a great site by JC Painter so i signed up here and got my very own blog.

I am a Wargamer of many years standing so i am a little stuck in my ways and found the site by JC very interesting , all about the Waterloo Campaign, and as I have been slumming lately with ready made battles and campaigns at the local wargames club, I found the idea of getting back into a large project very tempting.

Now the problem is that I now have blog so can ramble on about anything that interests me about the hobby or anything that comes up from the very rare ramblings of other who are very welcome to get in touch. i hope to post battle reports and projects from myself and the club to make this at least worth a read from a fellow gamer.


Pumpus Domus